Today's youth is the future of British agriculture and they hold the key to the success of farming in the 21st century. Holstein Young Breeders (HYB) provides young agricultural enthusiasts with a wide range of activities that promote learning and provide new and exciting experiences and opportunities to socialise with like-minded people.

You don't have to be a farmer to join HYB. If you are aged 26 or under and have a passion for the dairy industry, HYB IS FOR YOU! Find out more →
What our members say about HYB...
Iwan Thomas, South Wales
I have been an HYB member since I was 10 years old and enjoy attending the Weekend Rally every year as it brings members from across the UK together to socialise and compete. My favourite event is stock judging and I have been fortunate to qualify to compete every year since I joined HYB. HYB has allowed me to enhance my skills and given me the opportunity to represent the UK team competing at the Open Junior Show in Cremona, Italy. This has widened my experience and confidence as I was fortunate to win all three competitions that entailed clipping, showmanship and stock judging. HYB is a great youth movement that I thoroughly enjoy being a member of.
Holly Dyer, South East
I have been an HYB member for 15 years and have thoroughly enjoyed my time in HYB, especially the support and advice that I get from all of the other members. I also get so much out of the social side of HYB, mixing with likeminded people where I have gained so many friendships. HYB provides a healthy competitive environment for all members to thrive and develop their skills. HYB has given me so many opportunities to travel the world, to experience dairy farming in other countries and to compete at international levels. These fantastic opportunities have allowed me to widen my knowledge and experience whilst gaining friendships not only in the UK but across the wider world. It has also given me the knowledge and confidence to establish my own prefix, Holben Holsteins, with the opportunity to promote and develop my own pedigree herd.
Cari Thomas, Cornwall
I have been a HYB member for four years and I love attending the ABAB Calf Show. It is such a rewarding feeling after all of the hard work you’ve put in to all of the calves, for them to compete on the best platform for dairy calves in the UK. I also enjoy the team spirit within the different clubs whilst building the stands and getting the chores done; it’s my favourite weekend of the year! As well as developing skills through competing at the Weekend Rally and ABAB Calf Show, HYB has given me some fantastic experiences such as a trip to the European Young Breeders School in Belgium and the Semex International Dairy Conference.