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Home Fact Sheet - Powered By CDI
Date of birth: 21/11/1997
EarTag: UK/N7819/00826 (F)
Sire: BRABANT STAR PATRON PI ET BLF CVF HCD0  65000002160458 EX92(2)
Dam: SMALLBURGH LORD TOLPIS 261  01000007925674    Award: RM
Milk Records
Lact. Age Date Milk Days Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PI
02/04  24/03/2000  6682  305  258  230  3.87  3.45  101 
03/08  19/07/2001  9426  305  370  308  3.92  3.27  103 
04/09  27/08/2002  8820  305  345  293  3.91  3.32  81 
05/10  29/09/2003  7202  226  282  229  3.92  3.17  63 
No Progeny Registered
© Holstein UK
Type Proof Data Supplied by Holstein UK | Production Proof Data Supplied by DairyCo breeding+

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this document, no responsibility can be accepted thereto.