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Date of birth: 27/9/1997
EarTag: 006652/3526C (F)
Sire: BRABANT STAR PATRON PI ET BLF CVF HCD0  65000002160458 EX92(2)
Dam: TULLYHILL NORDKAP BERTHA  01000001482982    
Production PTA
Pedigree Index Calculated from: Dam's Dam - No PTA  Calculated 4/24 
Prod Rlb% Milk Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PLI PLI Rlb%
Milk Records
Lact. Age Date Milk Days Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PI
02/02  07/11/1999  5997  305  266  213  4.44  3.55  110 
03/03  02/01/2001  7094  303  311  239  4.39  3.36  94 
04/03  09/12/2001  7872  305  352  291  4.47  3.7  106 
05/02  24/11/2002  8169  305  353  288  4.32  3.53  103 
06/04  21/02/2004  8384  305  356  293  4.25  3.49  101 
07/04  26/02/2005  8200  305  344  284  4.19  3.46  92 
No Progeny Registered
© Holstein UK
Type Proof Data Supplied by Holstein UK | Production Proof Data Supplied by DairyCo breeding+

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this document, no responsibility can be accepted thereto.