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Home Fact Sheet - Powered By CDI
Date of birth: 29/10/1997
EarTag: UK/003369/3105X (F)
Sire: BRABANT STAR PATRON PI ET BLF CVF HCD0  65000002160458 EX92(2)
Dam: CALBRETT KENT LAVENDER PI ET 64000006453236 EX90(2)   
Production PTA
Pedigree Index Calculated from: (I)Sire, Dam  Calculated 4/24 
Prod Rlb% Milk Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PLI PLI Rlb%
39  -97  -12.3  -6.5  -0.1  -0.04  £-335  38 
Milk Records
Lact. Age Date Milk Days Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PI
02/03  16/02/2000  1377  41  43  40  3.11  2.92 
Registered Progeny
HB Number Name Sire DOB
0100602258  ARDS LOGIC PI  WA-DEL CONVINCER 16/02/2000 
This cow has 1 progeny recorded with Holstein UK
© Holstein UK
Type Proof Data Supplied by Holstein UK | Production Proof Data Supplied by DairyCo breeding+

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this document, no responsibility can be accepted thereto.