Home Fact Sheet - Powered By CDI
12000000003169 (M)
Date of birth: 12/6/1987
Sire: SWD VALIANT PI BLF CVF  65000001650414 EX95
Dam: POLLY PI 60000001983048 EX95
Holstein Production Proof
Interbull Production Proof  Includes Genomics  N PTA2015 (4/24) 
Prod Rlb% Milk Fat kg Ptn kg Fat % Ptn % PLI PLI Rlb% FI FI Rel % PERS % Dtrs(UK) Hds(UK) Hd1%
97 -946 -36 -32.1 0.03 -0.01 £-536 71 4 62 64 124 82 8
Lifespan Lifespan Rel % Fert Index FI Rel % Persistency % mCE % mCE Rel % dCE % dCE Rel%
-0.5 72 4 62 64 N/A N/A N/A N/A
+30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30
SCCRel% 85 Value
Somatic Cell C Poor ■■    Excellent 5
Type Proof : N/A
Type Proof Data Supplied by Holstein UK | Production Proof Data Supplied by DairyCo breeding+

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