April 2020 genetic type changes; Base change and Type Merit Formula update
The April 2020 proof run will see the introduction of a new genetic base for Holstein and Friesian type traits, as well as an update to the overall Holstein Type Merit Formula.
Top Spot Again For Bomaz Fynn
Bomaz FYNN has held on to his spot as the number one PLI sire in the UK. FYNN is also available Sexcel®, adding even more to his appeal. “The Frazzled son comes in with a PLI of £878 which is driven by his exceptional scores for combined Fat and Protein kg’s at +83.4 Kg’s,” comments Hannah Goodwin, Genus ABS Dairy Brand Manager.
Bull from the land down under climbs atop young genomic type rankings
Eclipse Milio is the new Type Merit leader among young genomic bulls with +4.50 at 54% reliability. This Emilio son out of a High Octane daughter, hails from Australia and combines smoking udders (+3.31) with great size.
Impressive figures increase appeal of proven Holstein sires
Bomaz AltaTopshot has climbed to number one position in the new Profitable Lifetime Index proven Holstein bull rankings, published today (3 December) by AHDB Dairy. Having graduated in the summer from the genomic list and into second position amongst proven sires, he now edges upwards as more daughters come into milk in his native North America, earning him a PLI of £788.
Number one young sire breaks 50kg fat barrier
The young Holstein sire, Bomaz Fynn, has taken number one position in the new genomic rankings published today (3 December) by AHDB Dairy. With a Profitable Lifetime Index of £878, Fynn breaks the 50kg fat barrier for the first time in a top 20 sire, meaning that his daughters are predicted to yield 50kg more fat during their lactations than the national average cow. A Frazzled son from a Rubicon dam, he also features +0.13% fat, great udder health (-30 SCC, -3 Mastitis) and one of the highest Type Merit scores at the top of this £PLI list (+2.43 TM).
Revised genetic index will help increase cow lifespans
The genetic index which predicts dairy cattle lifespan has been revamped to make it more accurate and indicate longevity in additional days rather than lactations.
It’s PARTYTIME all the time with Genus ABS
Genus ABS are proud to unveil a line-up of genomic sires that lead the PLI rankings with 8 of the top 10 PLI sires. Offering strength in depth and something to suit the diverse needs of the UK dairy industry Genus ABS have 90 sires over £700 PLI positioning them in the top 10% for profitability in the breed.
Shake-up in genomic Holstein ranking
A tie for the number one position and three new entrants to the top 10 indicate the vibrancy in the Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) ranking for young genomic Holstein sires, which is published today (13 August 2019) by AHDB Dairy.
Viking incursion breaches US stronghold
In a brand-new ranking dominated by US genetics, the Danish-bred Viking bull, VH Balisto Brook, rises to the top, graduating from the young sire genomic ranking with early milking daughters.
Crushabull keeps pressure on top type bulls in August 2019 Holstein rankings
OH-River-SYC Crushabull remains the top type bull in the UK with +4.16 Type Merit at 56% reliability. He is a son of Marverick Crush out of the Mogul daughter, OH-River-SYC-Mogal Brylan.