HYB Membership Form Holstein Young Breeders (HYB) provides young dairy farmers from the aged 26 years and under a fantastic opportunity to learn, compete and build friendships and a career. The youth movement hosts annual competitions and social events and provides the opportunity to travel and compete internationally. Only individuals aged 26 years and under on January 1st are eligible as members of Holstein Young Breeders. If you have any queries, please contact Membership Services on 01923 695200. Please note that all fields must be completed in full for your membership to be processed. Member details Full name (including middle names): Address: Postcode: Home telephone number: Mobile number (if you do not have your own mobile number, please insert parent/guardian's number): Email address (if you do not have your own email address, please insert parent/guardian's number): Please tick this box if you would like your email address sharing with your Club Coordinator so that you can be kept up-to-date with Club news and events Holstein UK prefix (if applicable): Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Gender: Medical conditions including allergies: Emergency contact details Emergency contact: Emergency contact number: Emergency contact address: Relationship of emergency contact: Please tick the Club area you reside in Border & Lakeland East Midlands Northern Ireland Staffordshire Central Counties Isle of Man Northumbria West Midlands Cornwall Lancashire Scotland Western Derbyshire Midlands Shropshire Yorkshire Devon North East South & Wiltshire South Wales East Anglia North Wales South East South West I would like to join a Club outside the area I reside in; the Club I would like to join is: Please note that you may only join a Club outside of your residential area subject to approval by the National HYB Coordinator. If you require assistance as to which Club you should be joining, please email hyb@holstein-uk.org. If under 18, a parent/guardian must complete this section with their details Full name: Address: Postcode: Home telephone number: Mobile number: Email address: By checking this box, I confirm that I consent for this membership application* to be processed. *By ticking the box, you also give consent for any photographs/videos taken of your child to be used by the Society. Membership options Please click the membership option you would like to register for: Package A (FREE Membership) FREE membership Bi-monthly e-newsletter Opportunity to compete at HYB events PIN for HUK services Digital version of The Journal [Holstein UK membership magazine] Package B (£18 per annum) Bi-monthly e-newsletter Opportunity to compete at HYB events PIN for HUK services Digital version of The Journal [Holstein UK membership magazine] Printed copy of The Journal, posted to given address Package C (£22.50 per annum) Bi-monthly e-newsletter Opportunity to compete at HYB events PIN for HUK services Digital version of The Journal [Holstein UK membership magazine] Printed copy of The Journal, posted to given address Facility to register up to 5 calves Package A - Free Membership Package B - Associate Membership Package C - Full Membership If you have chosen Package C, please fill in your ministry number and CPH number. You will also need to choose a prefix, which must differ from your family herd and must not have been used previously. Please note that you may register more than five calves but these will be charged at the standard rate. Ministry Herd No (Package C only): CPH No (Package C only): Chosen prefix (Package C only): Second prefix choice (Package C only): Third prefix choice (Package C only): *Membership is renewed on 1st January each year, with payment either charged to your Holstein account or required by cheque/card on receipt of invoice. Payment Options Package A I have chosen Package A (free) Package B I have chosen Package B (£18.00 per annum) Please charge my Holstein UK account - prefix: I would like to pay by debit/credit card, please call me on: Package C I have chosen Package C (£22.50 per annum) Please charge my Holstein UK account - prefix: I would like to pay by debit/credit card, please call me on: Data Protection Statement Under the General Data Protection Regulation as of 25th May 2018, we are obliged under European law to protect your data. As an organisation, we won’t be able to publish any of your personal data unless you allow us to do so. This data includes publishing your name next to your prefix in The Journal (including classification results, top lists, etc), captioning a photo of you with your name, publishing your contact details on the website if you are on the judging panel or a Club Coordinator and so forth. This also includes sharing your details with your chosen HYB Club. All you need to do in order to allow us to publish this personal data from time-to-time is to 'opt in'. Holstein UK is registered with the ICO. Registration no: Z1863916. I confirm I opt in for personal data to be published as required within the Holstein UK Group I confirm I wish to be kept in touch by email, phone and mail with news and events from the Holstein UK Group Gift Aid Declaration If you are 18 or over, a UK tax payer and have chosen Package B or C, you can Gift Aid your membership donation to make it worth more! Boost your membership donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.Gift Aid is reclaimed by Holstein UK from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is used to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the relevant box below: I want to Gift Aid my membership donation of £18.00 or £22.50 and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to: I want to Gift Aid my membership donation of £18.00 or £22.50 that I make today and in the future to: Name of Charity: Holstein UK Charity No: 1072998 I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Submit