Z 6124-136 ASR
50%Pure 50 %Hol
Z 6124-136
50%Pure 50 %Hol
Maternal Lineage
Paternal grandsire
64000000299855 VG
Paternal grandam
64000002281905 VG
Lact. 41 9585 305 4.49 0
41 9002 305 3.99 0
Avg. 8092 305 4.2 0
64000001214195 VG
64000000288790 EX
64000001165821 GP
Lact. 41 6442 305 3.4 0
41 6377 305 3.64 0
Paternal grandsire
64000000299855 VG
Paternal grandam
64000002281905 VG
64000001214195 VG
64000000288790 EX
64000001165821 GP
Paternal grandsire
64000000299855 VG
64000001214195 VG
Paternal grandam
64000002281905 VG
64000000288790 EX
64000001165821 GP

Type Proof Data Supplied by Holstein UK | Production Proof Data Supplied by AHDB 

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this document, no responsibility can be accepted thereto.