26/05/2023 11:50:53

Edition 2 - 2023 - Shropshire

The new year meetings started with a very interesting and even more topical presentation by Chris Walkland which was sponsored by ELANCO. Following news that milk prices are heading south after a short period of recovery, Chris gave us an insight into how market pressures and supply issues affect the price we get paid and included our European neighbours in this mix.  He enthralled a gathering of over 100 members who listened and questioned Chris at some length, but I can report that he left us with some glimmers of hope that a light may be at the end of the tunnel but declined to say how long this tunnel may be. Another excellent meeting.

1st February was the start of our Winter Top Ten Herds competition which was judged by Mr Brian Moorhouse from Aireburn Holsteins over three days. We had 20 entrants, and the results will be announced at the Dinner Dance on the 31st March.

Ed Towers from Brades Farm near Lancaster was our next speaker at Halls Auction Mart on the 6th February and he gave an excellent presentation of the family history and pioneering work and development of the Barista Coffee milk business they have started. A truly inspiring story with many hills to climb and a few hurdles to negotiate on the way to adding value to the milk they produce from 300 Holsteins and Jerseys at Brades Farm. This enterprising family have looked into many aspects of farming and include a Nuffield Scholarship which has taken them all around the world with Ed recently returned from an extended visit to Brazil and other South American countries, along with his brother’s work in studying coffee production in Africa. The MOOTRAL trial work they are doing caused a lot of discussion in reducing methane. A number of members are looking into perhaps including this product in the diet when available.

Our final Winter meeting indoors was addressed by Richard Cambray who is the Director of Estates and Facilities at Harper Adams University. Richard is involved with all new developments and maintenance of the entire estate within the University. All aspects of planning, construction and licensing come under his control. He is presently handling several new projects and updates within the University and told us about all the various sections and subjects being covered with students from all parts of the globe. With over 110 years of continual agricultural education, we have a facility here in the centre of our own club area which we are very proud of and many of our members have studied there over the years.

We are now looking forward to commencing our Spring/Summer events programme starting with a visit to Wyndford Farms on the 3rd April.